This blog is no longer utilized - however I keep it up so that I can share with others what I have done within this social media course.

This was my first time teaching this course.

To see the current social media class that I am teaching please visit.

Google's Wonder Wheel

Google's Wonder Wheel is the coolest research tool!  Google's Wonder Wheel is a wheel which shows related search terms to the current searched query and thus enable you to explore relevant search terms which might be the ones you originally wanted to search for, or simply give you more options to gain more information.
This tool allows you to find little niches within a big niche.  You can target your research topic.  When you click Wonder Wheel, it places your primary search topic in the middle of the diagram, in a circle and around your search topic are related topics around it - more precise keyword searches.  Click on one of the related topics, and a new circle is created.  This tool allows you quickly and efficiently analyze what's out there.    With this tool, Google is handing you keyword searches, enabling you to dominate your research.   It allows for a more narrow and specific search - way too much information on your topic - you can utilize this GREAT TOOL to refine your topic!  
Key your research topic.  Then click wonder wheel - on the left hand side of Google's webpage.