Add a link to your Internet Safety Project. Please include a voki in this post - telling your reader to click the link - and saying a summary of what your project is about.
Please go to your first blog post and review all of the tools that we have gone over this semester.
Write one final post - signing off for the course. Reflect upon some of the tools - your thoughts on the course - besides adding a social networking element (which will be included in Social Media II next year) what else can I do to make this class better. Please be honest - honesty is the only way for me to improve. Thanks so much for taking this new course. I hope you had fun! and learned that the Internet is not just about Facebook, games and research!
Click the voicethread link above to submit a comment and voice! You can do this in the middle room.
Your final post - my final post!!!! Wow - there have been so many!!!! I hope you continue to blog! Create your own personal blog and keep track of all your favorite web tools by utilizing one of your favorite social bookmarking tools. Share the tools with other teachers, parents, siblings, employers, coworkers and grandparents!!!!
Thanks for taking this course - and please continue to explore the web - there are so many valuable FREE tools out there that will enhance your Internet experience.
Welcome to our Social Media blog! On this blog you will find web tools that are discussed within this course. You will also find links to each student's blog where they share and reflect on the tools explored. Students will be exploring various web tool applications of which they can utilize to enhance their learning and social experiences. Students will be learning and practicing digital literacy and responsibility, collaborating, creating, socializing, organizing content, while HAVING FUN!!!
This blog is no longer utilized - however I keep it up so that I can share with others what I have done within this social media course.
This was my first time teaching this course.
To see the current social media class that I am teaching please visit.